Some Do Some Don’t
Some of us put our plastics in one bin and green waste in another, some just throw it all out the window. Some drive an Electric car, some a V8. We know what we should do, but what makes us really do it?
Laziness, Apathy, lack of education, all these things stop us from recycling our rubbish. Almost everything can be either used again in some way, or at least be disposed of in a safe manner. If we just take a little time and effort. Don’t throw it fix it..
But what if we don’t recycle that TV, Washing Machine or Computer. Quite often when something stops working we get all excited, because this means we get to go shopping and buy that nice shiny new model that does all those amazing things that we never use. And often it appears that buying a new one is actually cheaper. BUT IS IT?
That 4 or 5 year old laptop that is slow and crashes, may just need a fresh install and an SSD. Yes this might cost $300 and some of us think that that is all it costs to buy a new one, well no your wrong. That is all it costs for a piece of junk that is probably slower than the one you are throwing away. A real laptop starts at approx. $1000, and then you have to get everything copied across and all your software reloaded. So suddenly the $300 repair is actually a lot cheaper.
The same goes for the TV, circuit boards can be replaced, often for a few hundred dollars, and often the old TV will have better sound than a new one. (If the screen is smashed, then I’m afraid it’s landfill, Sorry). Most of the time it costs about $75 to get it looked at to see if it’s worth repairing. If it is, congratulations, you just saved some landfill.
Washing Machines, Dryers and fridges are large items and often it is difficult to get them repaired. But again it may be worth paying to get them looked at, the repair may be only a few hundred dollars. A lot cheaper than $500 and upwards for a new item. If the repair is too expensive, then by all means organise it to go somewhere where they will recycle it properly. At least you tried..
Reasons Why
There is an added advantage in doing this, actually maybe 2, firstly, by getting something fixed, you are paying a local person’s wage, not an overseas person to make a new one. And secondly it keeps your money local instead of sending most of it overseas. And on top of that you are saving items from going into landfill.
Now, you’ve been educated, all we have to do is overcome your apathy and the rest is easy…
***Can We Fix It? Yes We Can.. ***