So they have pulled the plug, and it will slowly die. What do you do now that your old reliable has gone?
Time to get a nice shiny new Windows 10 and start finding all the cool new things it can do.
A lot of us don’t like change, and it’s not just the oldies, but it does seem like we are worse at it.
Remember back to when Windows 7 came out. How everyone didn’t want to change. Then a few weeks after we did, we couldn’t remember why we were complaining. Well that will happen again.
Probably the biggest problem with a new computer is buying the wrong one. How do you know what you need in a computer. How much RAM, which CPU is best, What is a CPU?
To some a computer is a voodoo box that sometimes does what we want, but more often seems to do what it wants. To US they are a combination of the right components put together properly, and designed to do what our customer wants. But then we are nerds…
How do we know what you want, well that’s where we talk to you and ask a heap of annoying questions. All designed to create a picture of your computer use. From that we look at our suppliers and work out what is the most cost effective way of building the perfect computer. Sounds almost exciting doesn’t it, well it is to us.
So now that your friend is dead, it’s time to come on in and talk to us about your exciting new adventure.
We Make Technology Work!